BOE Older Active Policies
The Policy Manual is currently being updated as policies are revised and restructured. The policies below are still valid however, additional, newly approved policies, are also available on the BoardDocs website under the Policies Tab
NECSD Policy Manual
Introduction: Adoption Resolution
Introduction: Introduction
Section 1000: Administration
3120.02: Employment of Summer School Staff
3122: District Hiring Policy/Procedure
3124: Employment Agreement
3127: Deferred Salary Payments
3141: Resignations
3150: Staff Infractions
3250: Schedule Breaks
3251: Early Dismissal Request
3260: Extra-Service Appointments
3270: Lesson Plans
3282: Confidentiality of Communications
3364: Title VI – Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
3364-R: Title VI – Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Regulation
3380: Teacher Protection
3423: Health Insurance for Retirees
3431: Uncompensated Leave
3437: Temporary Military Leave
4120.01: Employment of Substitute Classified Employees
4120.02: Employment of Day Care Staff
4122: District Hiring Policy/Procedure
4127: Deferred Salary Payments
4128: Employment of Bus Drivers and Bus Attendants
4130: Assignment and Transfer
4145: Layoffs of Classified Employees
4150: Maintenance of Public Order
4154: Discipline of Classified Employees
4156: Bullying
4157: Title VI – Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
4170: Employee Use or Possession of Drugs, Controlled Substances & Alcohol
4211: Absence without Pay
4220: Evaluation of Classified Employees
4411: Salary Schedule
4413: Overtime
4420.01: Benefits for Regularly Employed Part-Time Personnel
4423: Health Insurance for Retirees
4437: Temporary Military Leave
8220: School Day
8331: School District Website
8350: Copying Copyrighted Materials
8410: Emergency Closing of School
8420: Emergency Evacuation
8431: Preparedness for Toxic Hazard
8440: Accident and Illness
8450: Control of Communicable Diseases
8453: Infection Control Program/Regulation
8461: Child Abuse In An Educational Setting
8463: Public Conduct on School Property
8530: Lunch Program
8560: Cafeteria Funds and Cash Receipts
8620: Bus Accidents
8652: Special Trips
8700: Insurance
Other Important Notices to the Public
Notices to Taxpayers
Required Notification pursuant to Section 211 of the Retirement and Social Security Law and Section 80-5.5(e) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
Mr. Timothy Toomey has been approved effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 by the New York State Education Department for employment as an Emergency Management Instructor with a total compensation package of $102,480 for the 2020-2021 school year. Mr. Toomey has the right to receive a pension from New York State while employed in the Newburgh Enlarged City School District.
2015-2016 Work Day & Reporting Resolution
2014-2015 Work Day & Reporting Resolution
2013-2014 Work Day & Reporting Resolution
2012-2013 Work Day & Reporting Resolution
2011-2012 Work Day & Reporting Resolution