NOTICE: This post is over 180 days old. This information may be outdated if you're looking for new or upcoming information.
This is a friendly reminder of important dates for May & June 2024.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, is a 1/2 day for all students (1/2 day dismissal schedule). The NECSD Budget Vote and Board of Education Election will take place from 12pm (noon) - 9pm. More information can be found by visiting
The district will be closed on Friday, May 24th and Monday, 27th.
Please note the letter days listed on Monday, June 10th for all NFA campuses and Heritage and South Middle Schools was incorrect on the original calendar. That letter day has been corrected and is reflected on the calendars listed below. The letter days for NFA West Campus have also been updated to adjust for the end of internships for the year for those students.
Important Dates for MAY 2024:
Tuesday, May 21st - 1/2 day for all students; 1/2 day Superintendent's Conference Day | 1/2 day dismissal schedule
Friday, May 24th - District Closed | Un-used Emergency Day*
Monday, May 27th - District Closed | Memorial Day
Important Dates for JUNE 2024:
June 4, 14-26 - Regents Exams
Wednesday, June 19th - District Closed | Juneteenth
Monday, June 24th - 1/2 day for students in grades PreK-6 | 1/2 day dismissal schedule
Tuesday, June 25th - 1/2 day for students in grades PreK-6 | 1/2 day dismissal schedule
Wednesday, June 26th - 1/2 day for all students; Last day of school | 1/2 day dismissal schedule
*The district will be closed on May 24, 2024 due to one unused emergency day. The Board of Education approved this revision at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, April 23rd.
As a reminder, you can add important school and district dates, including letter days, to your personal calendar by following these instructions.
Looking ahead, please find the full calendars by clicking the links corresponding to the calendar title: 2023-2024 District Calendar. The calendar for next year has been approved and can be found by clicking the following title link: 2024-2025 Single Page District Calendar (Adopted: March 19, 2024). The district calendar can always be found on the right-hand side of the district website
Families should have received a colorful calendar in their child's backpack earlier this year! Calendars were distributed one per family to the youngest and only children of each household. If you need a calendar for your home, please contact your child's school building or email